sibtain engineering works Since 1979





Our highest priority has always been customer satisfaction. Our goal is simple – to do everything in our power to ensure that our customers are very pleased with Our services. To back this up Our commitment to your satisfaction will start before you place your order. Take advantage of the knowledge offered by our friendly industry experts. They will work with you to ensure that your machine is perfectly suited for your requirements, as well as any other requirements you may have.

We will build your machine specifically to your requirements. It will then be thoroughly tested. We will not ship your order until we are convinced that your machine will work perfectly for you.

The outstanding support and service we offer does not stop after delivery. You will always have access to our support team. If you ever have any questions about your machine or just need advice on the best approach, we want to hear from you.

Our dedication to the complete satisfaction of our customers has been the foundation of our success. We have an outstanding relationship with our customers – and this is the prize we value above all else.